Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Promotion Ceremony

The day has finally come!!! Reyno is officially a Lieutenant Colonel!!! The ceremony was awesome. Reyno's boss did a great job and the whole Battalion was there.

Disclaimer... I am an outfit repeater!!! With all the party planning going on, I didn't not have time to shop for a new dress!! :)

Here we are at attention while the orders are being read. (Not my best side! :))

Pinning on the new rank. My hands were shaking and I was so worried that the wind was going to blow my dress up!!

Happy Family!!!!

After the ceremony we went to the conference room for some cake. It was so yummy!!!

The writing is supposed to be gray, but it turned a weird green color.
I am so proud of my hard working soldier!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations! What a proud day for your entire family!
